M.U.S.T. Confers Teaching Excellence Award to Four Outstanding Teachers


For the academic year of 2018/2019, Macau University of Science and Technology conferred the annual Teaching Excellence Award to four teachers in recognition of their outstanding teaching performance. This year’s winners include Associate Prof. Nie Ting from School of Business, Associate Prof. Bai Liping from the State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine, Assistant Prof. Deng Xiaoyan from University International College and Associate Prof. Wang Lan from Faculty of Humanities and Arts. The annual Teaching Excellence award is made to honour and award teachers for their excellent teaching performance, ever-improving teaching standards, and significant contribution to enhance the quality of learning and teaching in the University; it also provides incentive and encouragement for newly joined faculty members.

Winners of the 2018/2019 Teaching Excellence Awards (from left to right): Assistant Prof. Deng Xiaoyan, Associate Prof. Wang Lan, Associate Prof. Nie Ting, and Associate Prof. Bai Liping

Associate Prof. Nie Ting from School of Business mainly specializes in teaching human resources management courses. In the 12 years of teaching since she joined M.U.S.T., she’s been empowering her students to try out and take part in various activities. In her class, students assume role-plays to get a taste of what’s like in actual professional experiences. She’s also encourages participation in professional experiences courses, which enables students to learn and gain experience. She also hopes that students get to improve their abilities in all regards, thus becoming not just specialists, but also talents with general knowledge. Only in this way will they be able to make greater achievements for the society after graduating from university.

Associate Prof. Bai Liping from the State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine joined the laboratory in 2011. Her main teaching focus lies in graduate and undergraduate courses for students of the Chinese medicine major. Her way of teaching places equal emphasis on teaching and research. She’s known as a patient teacher, and hopes to integrate learning of professional knowledge with theories and laboratory studies, thus helping the students to be able to apply what they learn. This has been an essential link in Chinese medicine studies.

Associate Prof. Wang Lan from Faculty of Humanities and Arts started to work at M.U.S.T. in 2004. His main specialty lies in teaching design and fine arts courses. He’s been encouraging students to take part in competitions and exhibitions. By way of having their works published or awarded, students could gain a sense of achievement and take more initiatives in their studies. He’s also been pushing his students to participate in community campaigns and services. By combining art, profession and life, students get to develop a creative mind and grow their artistic taste and sensitivity.

Assistant Prof. Deng Xiaoyan from University International College joined M.U.S.T. the year she graduated from her graduate school, and has been teaching at the University for 12 years. She mainly teaches the English subjects. She’s made a lot of efforts in helping students to improve their abilities in listening and speaking, and emphasizes the practical side of teaching. By creating an immersive all-English atmosphere and hosting various activities, she is able to increase the opportunities for students to use English in class. She also thinks that in addition to its role of being a tool used for communication, language also provides access to other countries’ history and culture, which she’s taken advantage of to help improve students’ interest in learning languages.

The assessment process for Teaching Excellence Award is rigorous. The Teaching Excellence Award Committee first conducts a preliminary review over all the nominated teachers, and produces a shortlist of teachers to go forward. The committee members then complete a comprehensive review of the candidates in terms of their teaching performances, teaching attitudes and teaching portfolios, plus a general assessment in the form of class observations, interviews and review of students’ evaluation feedback. Finally, the committee met and deliberated, and decided on the four winners by voting.

Since the Teaching Excellence Award was established in 2008, altogether 33 teachers have been awarded over the years. Their names are inscribed in the Honors’ Board for permanent display. This speaks of the great importance attached to the quality of teachers and teaching by the University, as well as its commitment to offering the best quality education for the students. This year, the award-presentation ceremony will be held at the President’s Welcome Reception in September.