Main Research Focuses:
I. Establishment of quality control technology and standard on the commonly-used toxic medicinal herbs, precious herbs, herbs cultivated in Southern China, and animal parts .
- Advanced LC-MS and NMR technology (Fast chemical composition identification);
- DNA barcoding technology (Pharmacognostic authentication);
- multidimensional chemical composition and quality analytical system on Chinese medicines;
- Setting up analytical methods and standards for safe application of Commonly-used toxic Chinese medicinal herbs in clinic.
II. Establishment of quality control technology and standards on the proprietary Chinese medicinal products.
- Assessment on the quality and stability of the proprietary Chinese medicinal products by integrating analytical method of “chromatography - mass spectrometry - nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic fingerprint” ;
- Research on the quality assessment and safety assurance of injections made by Chinese medicinal herbs.
Academic team members: Professor Jiang Zhi Hong, Professor Xie Pei Shan, Dr. Bai Li Ping, Dr. Xu Shun Jun