LC-NMR (2)

Macau Center for Mass Spectrometry and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Analysis – Analytical Platform


Hyphenated Agilent UHPLC-BrukerSPARK SPE with CryoFITNMR(600M)


Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography (Agilent) – Solid Phase Extraction –CryoFIT Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Bruker) Analysis.


Integrated analytical platform combining ultra high performance liquid chromatography, on-line solid phase extraction, low temperature CryoProbe and 600 mHz nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer.

 lUltra high performance liquid chromatography provides superior separation efficiency.

lAVANCETM600 mHz Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer.

lCryoProbeTM ultra low temperature probe provides at least 4-fold increase in sensitivity.

lOn-line conversion system with CryoFIT accessory and CryoProbe Flow Conversion System.

lAccumulation of analyte by Bruker/SPARK Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) system.

lQualitative analysis at microgram level.



 lAnalysis of biomarker in omics studies without the need of standard compounds.

lChemical structure determination of the active ingredient of Chinese Medicine.

lAnalysis of in vitro and in vivo metabolites of Chinese Medicine.

lDirect qualitative analysis of trace amount of active ingredient of Chinese Medicine.